At Bam Luxury Store, you can be sure that all items on our website are fully authentic. We do understand the importance of the trust you have in us.
We want you to be confident in buying at Bam Luxury Store. Your trust is what matters to us, as well as sourcing you the best luxury pieces at best price.
We take the time to analyse each items and we work with luxury experts. The second part of authentication uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, which analyse millions of microscopic surface images to validate authenticity. Different details / manufacturers standards are taken into consideration : (not only) serial numbers (where applicable), stamping, stitching, date codes, hardware, materials...
We strongly condemns the sale of counterfeit items in any form.
If you have any additional questions, we would be very happy to answer at :
*BLS is not authorized, associated or affiliated by or in anyway connected officially to the brands mentioned or listed for sale on the platforms.